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Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!

Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.

Activity for Monica Cellio‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #290265 Do traditional congregations lein Sh'ma in the liturgy? I'm used to hearing non-trop Sh'ma plus trop v'ahavta etc, but I've had limited exposure to orthodox services and have no idea what's normative on this.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #290241 I wonder if kashrut and tevillah are different. If I eat in someone's house and it turns out there's a problem with that person's kashrut, I've erred once. If I incorrectly assume that tevillah has been done, I'm erring every time I use it, right?
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #290019 Initial revision over 1 year ago
Question Halachically, what is bread?
I was recently doing some baking, and it led to a household discussion: what makes bread bread, as opposed to mezunot? I wondered if it might be about ingredients. Bread, fundamentally, is made of grain, water, salt, and a leavening agent (setting aside the special case of matzah). Bread can als...
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289791 Here's a non-paywalled [article]( from Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle, where I read about this. (I haven't yet compared it to the NYT article.)
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288032 Post edited:
Fixed a tangential comment: Sivan 15 would have been after the giving of the torah.
over 1 year ago
Comment Post #289519 Specifically [here](} in Sanhedrin. Thank you!
over 1 year ago
Edit Post #288726 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Question Should posting on Meta affect reputation?
When we launched this community, we did not yet have the ability to set different reputation grants for different categories. We've had this for a while but we failed to follow up before now, sorry. Do you want us to change posts on Meta to not award rep for upvotes or subtract it for downvotes? ...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288444 I like that interpretation. Is it your own?
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288250 Oh, I see now -- that's probably what you meant about no treif "flavor".
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288250 Does a cold drink transmit treifness the way hot food does? I thought I learned somewhere that cold foods that are not "strong" (like onions) don't make things treif, but I have no source and my memory is vague. So the answer might differ between wine served the conventional way and hot mulled wine...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288109 Thanks for confirming. (That's what it sounded like.) Thanks again for the answer, and welcome to Codidact!
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288109 Thank you. From what you said here, it sounds like the Rambam's guiding principle is not so much *conception* as some measure of being *far-enough along*. If the transfer happens before 40 days, does he say that the second animal is the mother?
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288033 Post edited:
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #288033 Yes, thanks for the reminder of what the word is. I'll edit.
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288033 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Question Why two types of maror?
Some seder plates (or layout instructions in haggadot) use two bitter herbs (I'm used to seeing horseradish and endive), one labelled maror and one labelled chazeret. Others have only a single space for maror. What is the second one for, and is this custom or something stronger? We eat maror twi...
almost 2 years ago
Edit Post #288032 Initial revision almost 2 years ago
Question Why was Shabbat given in a roundabout way?
Someone at my seder asked about the ordering in Dayeinu, specifically that "had God not given us Shabbat..." comes before "had God not give us the Torah..." -- but wasn't Shabbat given at Sinai, as part of the revelation? We then checked to confirm our memories, and yes, Shabbat is introduced as a s...
almost 2 years ago
Comment Post #287951 @#53060 did your notes have any solid references?
about 2 years ago
Comment Post #287971 Yeah, we need to attract more people who are able (and willing) to write good answers. I've been noticing this trend on the front page too. I'd rather no answer than bad (e.g. rude or dismissive) answers, but I'd *rather* have more good answers.
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287971 Initial revision about 2 years ago
Answer A: How can we grow this community?
Our community is small. More than "people in general", I think we need to reach people who want to help us build this community. People who, beyond looking for answers to specific questions, want to engage in Q&A and knowledge-sharing for its own sake -- or, as we say, for the sake of heaven. I ...
about 2 years ago
Comment Post #287913 @#53093 these are good points. So maybe these cases all have the same answer. I don't know, and would be happy to get answers that are broader than what I asked about.
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287951 Initial revision about 2 years ago
Question Does a surrogate mother affect the Jewish status of the child?
The child of a Jewish woman is a Jew. Is this status transmitted through birth or through parentage (genetics)? Specifically, if a Jewish woman acts as a surrogate for two non-Jews, what is the status of the child? A surrogate provides a womb for a fertilized egg from another couple. Non-Jewish...
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287913 Initial revision about 2 years ago
Question Does a Jew with a non-Jewish father have a tribe?
Vayikra 24:10 and on tells of an episode with a blasphemer. The torah tells us that he was the son of an Israelite woman and an Egyptian man. From a Rashi comment there I found my way to Vayikra Rabbah 32, which gives some back-story apparently from Rabbi Chiya (quoted from Sefaria): > He had ...
about 2 years ago
Comment Post #287881 Also, a much more oft-stated "rule" is that when Hillel and Shammai disagree Hillel is right, but there are (if I recall correctly) six counter-examples. Outside of this passage, I've never heard the claim made about Rabbi Eliezer, but if he were "always" right I would have expected to encounter tha...
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287686 Post edited:
about 2 years ago
Edit Post #287700 Initial revision about 2 years ago
Answer A: Why was Rabbi Eliezer ostracized?
To my reading, the discussion that follows makes it clear that the rabbis were wrong to excommunicate Rabbi Eliezer. Rabbi Eliezer's excommunication is followed by various disasters, including the death of Rabban Gamaliel (who headed the Sanhedrin that excommunicated him) at the hands of heaven. ...
about 2 years ago
Comment Post #287648 A related question/precedent might be whether there is reward for a woman doing a mitzvah she is not obligated in.
about 2 years ago
Comment Post #287433 Have you already checked whether the Chofetz Chayim has anything to say on this? (I can't remember.)
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #287290 Good point about the bracha. That's probably the difference here.
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287290 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Question Why don't we stand for Hallel at the seder?
At services that include it, we stand for Hallel. I've never learned about it but this makes sense; we're sanctifying God, like in Kedusha for which we also stand. But at every Pesach seder I've been to, including Hillel and Chabad communal ones, we sat during the Hallel parts of the haggadah. Why...
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #287176 Thanks for the pointers.
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287202 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Answer A: Why is Pesach in the singular?
I don't have a source for this beyond what you already said about the text saying Chag HaPesach, but I offer this reasoning: Shavu'ot is, as you said, about the weeks (plural). For Sukkot, while you probably have at most one (and could have zero, if you use someone else's), the festival is about ...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287176 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Question How do I look up commentaries on general patterns in torah as opposed to specific verses?
This is a research-methods question with a concrete example. I'm interested in the answer to the concrete example, but what I really want to know is: how could I look this up myself? There are sometimes widespread patterns in torah. For example, I know about the reversing vav, which flips a verb...
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #285033 Thanks for this feedback. I'm sorry you feel pushed away, and I'm especially sorry to hear that you perceive an "old guard" clique when some of us _are_ trying to do things differently here. Part of our problem is a small base of active community members; if we could pull more people in, then the c...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #287028 Initial revision over 2 years ago
Question Did Avraham really not know about his nephews while they were children?
After the Akeidah, Avraham returns home and then the torah tells us, in Bereishit 22:20: "Avraham was told, 'Milkah too has borne sons to your brother Nachor (etc)'". The torah does not always record events in the order they occurred, but in this case it's not the torah telling us about Milkah's des...
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #286929 Yes, I realize it doesn't completely line up. Did they sing hallel in the temple on RH, I wonder?
over 2 years ago
Comment Post #286929 We also don't say hallel even though Rosh Hashana is Rosh Chodesh; I remember asking about this (don't remember where) and got an answer about RH superseding RCh. I wonder if there's something similar here? Pure guess and no sources, though.
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286701 Post edited:
typo (I assume this is what you meant)
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286699 Initial revision over 2 years ago