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Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!

Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.

Activity for Monica Cellio‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Edit Post #281230 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Are we expecting Eliyahu to drink the fifth cup of wine?
Many kids I know (including past-me) think that Eliyahu drinks from the fifth cup at each seder. I've been to several where parents encouraged this belief, perhaps as a way of keeping the kids awake and attentive. (By "encouraged", I mean things like visibly checking the glass to see if the level h...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #281213 Thanks for the source and explanation. (I eat *matzah* every day, as it seems in keeping with the commandment and isn't forbidden.)
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #281205 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Why aren't we required to eat matzah every day during Pesach?
Shemot 12:15 tells us: "Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread". But our tradition (I don't know the source, sorry) is that we are required to eat matzah only at the seder(s). Otherwise, the command is understood as "if you eat bread, it must be unleavened bread". Why aren't we required to ea...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #281162 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question How does agency work for selling chameitz?
Each year my rabbi arranges the sale of chameitz for me (and anybody else who asks), and I know that I could also do this online. Either way, I provide some basic information, like the location of the chameitz, and that's it -- I don't sign anything, I don't make a public declaration, I don't pay hi...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #281143 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Omer weekly/daily themes, online-style?
I know that there are some customary "categories" of daily contemplation during the Omer -- combinations of Chesed, Hod, etc. I know that each week has one of these as a theme, and then within that, each day has a theme, for 49 combinations of 7 basic ideas. This hasn't been part of my Omer observa...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #281051 Post edited:
fixed typo
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #281051 Post edited:
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #281051 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Seudah shlishit before Pesach: what's the source for omitting bread?
When Pesach starts on a Saturday night, I understand that we are forbidden to eat matzah on that Shabbat (because we don't want to diminish the experience at the seder), but that we also aren't allowed to eat bread (chametz) past mid-morning. I also understand that on Shabbat we are required to eat ...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280926 Is Mordechai *relying* on a miracle, or just arguing? How do we know when someone is relying on a miracle?
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280923 Thanks @rosends. I didn't realize it was optional. (It wasn't just because current conditions press for doing it as quickly as possible; it was printed in the books.) I hope somebody will answer with the *halacha* and a source.
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280923 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Blotting out Haman's name only some of the time?
At megillah readings, I'm used to people making noise to blot out every mention of Haman's name. Tonight I was at a Chabad reading and they had a different custom: they blotted out the mentions that used his full name or referred to his role (I guess the "important" ones?) but didn't blot out every ...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280889 And what of finalizing? Are mere humans allowed to do that?
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280880 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question After the destruction of the temple, why didn't we revert to a temporary mishkan?
I read a blog post tonight that started out by asking why we don't have a mishkan today -- we had the mishkan in the wilderness before the temple was built, after all, so if we can't have the temple today, why not revert to a mishkan, some temporary (and possibly movable) place in which the holy serv...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280810 @Aliza but what does "has not taken heed" mean, practically speaking? Do we say that if it gored again he obviously didn't take heed (enough), or is there a threshold that counts as taking heed and if somebody breaks into his barn and sets it loose despite his precautions, or taunts it to agitate it...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280815 @David I haven't seen it myself, but [this translation with expanded commentary]( is from a reputable publisher. What I can't tell from the description is whether the separation between the translation and the commentary is clear -- can the reader distinguish ...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280818 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Can one fulfill the obligation of megillah on Purim via Zoom?
I have heard (but have no source) that, to fulfill the obligation of reading the megillah, one must either be physically present for a reading or, if listening by phone, follow along in a kosher scroll. (First question: is that correct?) What provisions, if any, exist for following remotely if on...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280816 Alternatively, 27 Elul is when Amalek set things in motion. But 3 Tishrei is good too.
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280815 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Answer A: Talmudic proverb based on Job 42:10 — source?
As far as I can tell, the talmud in Bava Kamma 92a is the earliest source for the statement, though its phrasing indicates the principle was known earlier: > Rava said to Rabba bar Mari: From where is this matter derived whereby the Sages stated: Anyone who asks for compassion from Heaven on beha...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280811 Thank you! I did not know this Rashi, which seems key to understanding the half-shekel.
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280807 This post prompted a non-PT question:
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280810 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question What happens if the goring ox was provoked?
Exodus 21:28-29 (and onward) gives us laws concerning the ox that gores. If it happens once, they kill the ox but do not punish the owner. But if the ox has a pattern of goring and the owner has been warned, and it happens again, not only do they kill the ox but the owner is subject to death. (I t...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280802 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Article On the ritual foods of the Purim seder
As we know,[^1] the evening meal for Purim starts with Wacky Mac, a dish that features four pasta shapes: wheels, shells, spirals, and tubes. What is less widely known is how we are to eat this ritual item. Like the Pesach seder a month later, the meal has specific requirements and specific meaning...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280796 Oh, of course! I'm surprised that HKBH wants chewed-upon coins, but who am I to question His intent? (I, uh, might have follow-on questions. :-) )
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280790 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question How am I supposed to pay *half* a coin?
This Shabbat we read Shekalim (Exodus 30:11-16), in which we're instructed to pay a half-shekel to avoid plagues. I'm not very skilled at cutting silver, so I want to know how exact the half-coin needs to be. If, after I cut my coin, I find that the two pieces aren't exactly the same, can I just pa...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280783 I sometimes want to look up some specific piece of PT that I remember out of season, so I'd also prefer that it remain visible but read-only. (I agree things should be flaggable, and probably votable too.) I will talk with the team to see how feasible this would be.
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280591 I just tested access restrictions on a dev server to confirm: when a category is hidden to a user (for example, and this was my test case, visible only to logged-in users and you're not logged in), then in addition to the category not showing, the posts also aren't visible (if you have the URL) and t...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280591 @DonielF mods can move posts between categories so long as the receiving category accepts the type of the incoming post. (For example, you couldn't move a d'var torah to Q&A because those are articles and Q&A doesn't include articles.) This should not be a problem for the case you have in mind.
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280693 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question (When) can halacha with a stated reason be revisited in light of new information?
I saw the following question, asked by David Ziants, on mail-jewish today: > In Daf Yomi, have just started chapter 7 of Mesechet Pesachim, and the first Mishneh talks about on how the Korban Pesach should be roasted. The Mishneh says only a branch from a pomegranate tree can be used for a spit an...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280643 (I haven't voted.) We can't remove only downvotes. We could remove *all* votes (like on the wiki post type), but I suspect the community wants to be able to upvote. We can give people voting guidance in the category description text (the text at the top of the question list) if the community wants...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280627 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Answer A: Disposing of a Christian bible written in Hebrew?
As noted in this answer, even a sefer torah, if written by a heretic, does not have holy status and needn't be buried. Further, Rambam (Laws of Tefilin, Mezuzah, and Sefer Torah 1:13) writes: > יג ספר תורה תפילין ומזוזות שכתבן מין, יישרפו. כתבן גוי, או ישראל משומד, או מוסר, או עבד, או אישה, או ...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280556 @AA *oh*. You know that thing that happens sometimes where you're reading an answer, try to upvote it, and find you can't (because you can't vote on your own posts)? I had completely forgotten about that. After Shabbat, B"N, I'll try to adapt that in an answer here.
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280583 One more: should purim torah be only Q&A, or are PT *essays* (divrei torah, articles, etc) welcome? I sometimes feel like half the problems we had with PTIJ arose from trying to fit *posts* into *questions*.
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280556 @Harel13‭ thanks. If you can cite/link one of those places, that'd make a good answer.
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280559 I assume it was printed in Hebrew because that's the primary language of Israel, where the book was being distributed. Whether it was intended to mislead Jews, or was general proselytizing in a Jewish-dominant country, I don't know. Likewise, I don't know whether it was printed by the proselytizing g...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280556 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Disposing of a Christian bible written in Hebrew?
While sorting through boxes of books in the attic, I came across a Christian bible written in Hebrew. (Some family member was apparently given it by a missionary when living in Israel and didn't dispose of it then.) The book is only their second volume; it doesn't include Tanakh. If the book wer...
about 4 years ago