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Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!

Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.

Activity for Monica Cellio‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Question Vaydaber vs vayomer when God instructs Moshe: what's the significance of the difference?
The torah records many places where God speaks to Moshe telling him to speak to others, generally to relay instructions. The common structure is: > ... וידבר יי אל ... לאמר: ךבר But sometimes -- I noticed this case at the beginning of Parshat Emor -- the verb is not וידבר but instead ויאמר. ...
over 2 years ago
Edit Post #286643 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Answer A: The encampments in the midbar
There is a list in Bamidbar 33 of the places and transitions (they set out from X and camped at Y, they set out from Y and camped at Z, etc). This list doesn't say how long they stayed at each. I once asked a question about the durations somewhere else, and received a partial answer that cites Se...
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286642 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Question How long did it take to set up the mishkan?
When Yisrael spent 40 years in the wilderness, they sometimes camped for longer periods of times and sometimes for shorter ones, sometimes even just two days (Bamidbar 9:21 -22): > וְיֵ֞שׁ אֲשֶׁר־יִהְיֶ֤ה הֶֽעָנָן֙ מֵעֶ֣רֶב עַד־בֹּ֔קֶר וְנַעֲלָ֧ה הֶֽעָנָ֛ן בַּבֹּ֖קֶר וְנָסָ֑עוּ א֚וֹ יוֹמָ֣ם וָלַ֔י...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286523 Thanks. Your answer on the second one was particularly helpful to me.
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286523 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Question Why must the omer be counted at night?
I have been taught that we count the omer at night with a b'racha. Counting at night makes sense; it's the first opportunity to fulfill the commandment each day and we should rush to fulfill a mitzvah. I've also been taught that if you forget until the next morning, you do still count but you don...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286475 @#55043 are you asking about prayer books or masks? I think carrying a mask would be fine because it's a clear matter of protecting life; we don't require imminent death but just the chance. (I think an epi-pen in case of anaphylactic shock would be similar on a personal level.) There is probably ...
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286505 Post edited:
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286505 Thanks for the pointers. This isn't the only second mention; the verse right before it repeats a prohibition from chapter 18 too. But I see what you mean (or what the shadal means) about warning versus punishment language. It still seems an odd placement. I wonder if there's a clear translation ...
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286505 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Question What does the change from "a man shall not..." to "you shall not..." for one verse in Vayikra 20 signify?
In Vayikra chapter 20 the torah gives a long list of forbidden relations. Almost all of them are of the form "if a man (lies with, takes)..." or, in one case, "if a woman..." (third person). In Vayikra 20:19 the voice changes to second-person imperative: "you shall not...". What does the change in...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286475 Thank you for educating me. I realize it was a bad example anyway; as you said, he *can* prepare in advance. I changed the example in my answer to a doctor in an emergency situation.
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286475 Post edited:
A comment says we don't rule like that for the mohel, so changed the example to one that's better anyway (more direct life-saving).
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286475 We don't? What does a *mohel* do in that case? I'll update that part of this answer but would also appreciate a source if you can share it easily, thanks.
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286475 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Answer A: Worshipping outdoors in the COVID era, issues and options
This doesn't strictly answer your question, but I think the background information and context will be helpful. The halacha (Jewish law) is that we can violate any torah law to save a human life except for three (murder, idolatry, sexual transgressions). If it were a matter of preserving life, th...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286416 I've moved the answer I posted here to the duplicate.
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286416 Question closed almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286419 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Answer A: Why does the Torah mention Yosef in relation to Menashe but not Ephraim in the story of the spies?
Efrayim and Manashe both have different trope from the other ten, by the way. With Manashe there are extra words that the trope has to account for, but it's interesting that Efrayim, without that constraint, nonetheless has different trope too. I asked and answered a duplicate to this question be...
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286416 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Question In the list of spies, why is Yosef added to the listing for Manashe but not to the one for Efrayim?
At the beginning of Sh'lach L'cha the torah lists the twelve scouts and their tribes. In general these names follow the pattern "from the tribe of (tribe), (somebody) ben (somebody)", with (generally) the same trope. However, the two tribes descended from Yosef are treated differently. The text for...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286382 Interesting, thanks!
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286382 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Question Ha-Yarden ha-zeh -- what does the torah mean by this Jordan as opposed to the Jordan?
In Devarim 3:27, when Moshe pleads with God to be allowed to go into the land, God says to him: > עֲלֵ֣ה ׀ רֹ֣אשׁ הַפִּסְגָּ֗ה וְשָׂ֥א עֵינֶ֛יךָ יָ֧מָּה וְצָפֹ֛נָה וְתֵימָ֥נָה וּמִזְרָ֖חָה וּרְאֵ֣ה בְעֵינֶ֑יךָ כִּי־לֹ֥א תַעֲבֹ֖ר אֶת־הַיַּרְדֵּ֥ן הַזֶּֽה׃ > > Go up to the summit of Pisgah and gaz...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286308 Just a guess, but: for the *sukkah* case, you can inspect the result and determine if it can meet your needs. With *matzah*, though, how do you know if it was made within 18 minutes, versus 20 or 25? Without the intent to fulfill the laws of *matzah*, can the maker be presumed to be that careful? ...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286278 Yeah, I think it's a fascinating question of underlying principles to this *halacha*. I hope we get an answer!
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286278 Seems like a similar situation could arise if you move into a new home before Pesach and don't bring any chameitz in with you. I wonder if there are sources about that.
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286253 Oh, are we? Today I learned.
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286254 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Question Logistics: what do you do about dishes if you're hosting both seders?
I found myself wondering about this while clearing the table after the first seder this year (which was also Shabbat). Most of the time, both in my family and in the group of friends I sometimes share holidays with, two different people host the two sedarim. But occasionally the same people host ...
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286253 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Question Why do we designate specific matzot for seder rituals?
This question arose at my seder this year and nobody present knew of an answer: The haggadah designates the three matzot for specific purposes: - We are to break the middle one (and save the larger piece for the afikoman). - We are to use the top and (remainder of the middle) ones when fulfill...
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286178 Initial revision almost 3 years ago
Answer A: What does "May his memory be for a blessing" mean?
Din Online, one of the many "ask a rabbi" services online, wrote in an answer that usage of this phrase is custom but there's no law that formalizes it. They add that it is usually used for someone you had some connection to -- close personal relationships for sure, but it can also be used for other...
almost 3 years ago
Edit Post #286177 Post edited:
Made more concrete and less of a survey.
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #286177 Welcome to Judaism Codidact! Questions that ask for individual opinions (survey questions) don't work as well here as ones that can be addressed more objectively. Your question body asks about the range of interpretations (good); I'm going to tweak the title to remove the "for you". Also, my con...
almost 3 years ago
Comment Post #285033 @#53017 I like it too! It gives people a way to share insights and knowledge directly, without having to frame it as Q&A. I'd like to see more participation there.
about 3 years ago
Comment Post #285872 Thanks for this interesting d'var. It prompted me to ask a [followup question](
about 3 years ago
Edit Post #285874 Initial revision about 3 years ago
Question Is an orphan obligated to honor parents?
This d'var torah makes the argument that an orphan can still fulfill the obligation to honor parents, because the sages interpret it more broadly than just your two biological parents. (See the link for a good explanation of the reasoning.) If one without living biological parents can still fulfi...
about 3 years ago
Comment Post #285863 I never thought about it until you asked, but I've seen the same thing -- during the torah service on Shabbat, after on weekdays.
about 3 years ago
Edit Post #285695 Post edited:
added link
about 3 years ago
Edit Post #285642 Initial revision about 3 years ago
Question If one designates a gift for another person, is it committed or can it be retracted?
I know that if one designates something for the temple (an offering or a donation), it can't be taken back -- it's committed. Is this a general principle of designating things, or is it specific to the temple (because designating it for the temple raises its holiness and we do not lower holiness)? ...
about 3 years ago
Comment Post #285522 @AA thanks for the lead! Makkot led me to the Ramban with further explanation, and I've written an answer based on both.
about 3 years ago
Edit Post #285555 Initial revision about 3 years ago
Answer A: Did the people hear the words of the revelation directly at Sinei?
AA pointed out in a comment that this is addressed in Makkot 23b-24a. There the g'mara says that of the 613 mitzvot stated to Moshe, > The word Torah, in terms of its numerical value, is 611, the number of mitzvot that were received and taught by Moses our teacher. In addition, there are two mit...
about 3 years ago