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Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!

Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.

Activity for Monica Cellio‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Comment Post #280508 I like this! And some of the things people share might lead to follow-on questions, too.
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280339 @msh210 I don't know what would be involved in making it per-session as opposed to per-user; all our preferences so far apply to that user in any browser (on that community, unless global). I wonder if a userscript could help in this case, since by definition you run a script in a particular browser...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280339 Post edited:
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #278011 Post edited:
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280339 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Answer A: Automatic draft-saving plus Sefaria auto-linker leads to the post taking too long to save
We weren't able to solve the problem directly (something something Javascript is single-threaded something), but there is now a preference to disable auto-saving, which is a work-around. Go to your user profile and then to the "preferences" tab. The preference is community-specific, so you can disa...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280257 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question Why do we destroy t'rumah and challah instead of giving it to a kohein?
I was thinking about t'rumah, which historically was designated for a kohein but today we destroy, and similarly taking challah, which we burn. Why isn't this a violation of bal tashchit, do not waste? If you're an active part of a Jewish community you know how to find a kohein -- one always gets...
about 4 years ago
Edit Post #280250 Initial revision about 4 years ago
Question (How) does the home gardener tithe?
This past year I grew some vegetables for the first time. I don't live in Eretz Yisrael, so I know I don't have to tithe my produce, but it made me wonder: what if I did? How would I go about that, practically speaking? Or is there a minimum amount below which tithing laws don't apply, and my coup...
about 4 years ago
Comment Post #280082 @ploni synonyms are on the to-do list; we just don't have them yet. I agree they're important. (When we have synonyms, I expect we'd then allow a choice to either just merge -- useful for fixing typos -- or merge with synonym.)
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #280082 Post edited:
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279882 Post edited:
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #280090 I have a theory. I've seen three edit suggestions now that don't show diffs, and all of them are on articles. I'm wondering if we missed a place when doing the work on post types recently. I've asked the dev team, but they're not Jewish and so might be celebrating another holiday today, so there m...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #280090 Thanks for the link. That's very strange. I've asked someone to see what's going on in the database there. Sorry for the inconvenience!
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #280082 @IsaacMoses request received and awaiting someone with the right access to get to it. Thanks.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #280090 Ouch, that sounds wrong. Can you link to the edit suggestion so we can take a look?
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #280082 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Answer A: ban the dvar-torah tag in the Divrei Torah category
The tag can be removed server-side. I agree it's a pointless tag in that category. The Divrei Torah category shares tags with the Q&A and Challenges categories, so removing the tag would affect all categories that use it. It doesn't look like any other category does use it, and I would expect a que...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279904 Post edited:
Revised per comments. The list itself is easily found, but what the other flaws are still eludes me.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279882 Thank you for sharing these excerpts! I appreciate reading them here (even though I can also read them in the book). This post prompted me to ask [this question](
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279904 I feel like this needs better tags but I'm not sure which ones.
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279904 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question What are the flaws in the ten kal vachomer arguments in the torah?
This d'var torah discusses kal vachomer arguments in torah: > Rashi is bothered that these two arguments have some sort of flaw. He wants us to realize that this isn’t so difficult, as there are ten instances of kal vachomers in the Torah that have a flaw. He is stressing that despite this flaw, t...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279768 This seems to affect some people and not others, making it hard to track down. Can you add information about your environment (browser, OS, does it happen if you disable userscripts)? If you are able to check the console for error messages, that'd help too. Thanks!
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279767 Ah, one decimal place would explain the problem!
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279767 Tangent, but how do you get from 135 *amot* to 729 meters? Isn't an *amah* a cubit or a step, neither of which is as much as even one meter? (Obviously the number here is extreme in any case; I'm just wondering about your unit translation.)
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279757 Interesting question! I'd never heard the distance explanation, just the *tumah meit* one, but never thought about the implications that you've pointed out. I wonder if there's an element of "can't make it worse"; the temple was already defiled, after all, and maybe their actions at least moved thi...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279726 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question Do you say Baruch Dayan Ha-emet immediately, regardless of where you are when you learn the news?
Upon learning of someone's passing, I have been taught, we immediately say baruch dayan ha-emet. I have also been taught that we don't say blessings (or learn torah) in inappropriate locations. My question is about which of these principles takes priority. This situation can arise if you overhear ...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279604 Importing is a little fragile right now; I have an open request for one-question-at-a-time import (self-serve) but it's not implemented yet. It might be better to do it the old-fashioned way, copying/adapting with attribution. I'm sorry we don't have better import tools; when we did that batch of ~...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279266 @curiousdannii‭ oh I see; you're thinking of psalm settings that are specifically used in Christian worship? (It makes sense that there would be some, just as there are some that are used in specific places in Jewish prayer. I just didn't make the connection.)
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279266 @curiousdannii‭ that's a good (different) question -- if the text itself is clearly fine (I mean, we had the psalms first :-) ) but the *source* is Christian, is that a problem? Does it depend on how prominent the source is -- everybody recognizes that famous setting but obscure is different? Does ...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #279266 Y'know, I never thought about what "a capella" literally means. Thanks.
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279266 Post edited:
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279266 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question If the words come from Christian worship but aren't otherwise objectionable, can you use them for secular music?
Asking this question reminded me of another. As part of my (past) musical studies, I've studied historical compositions that set the "ordinary" of the Christian mass to music. The "ordinary" consists of five key prayer texts that are frequently (always?) part of the mass. Four of them are blatan...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #279263 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question (When) can one listen to Christian music, according to Igrot Moshe?
A post elsewhere cites Igrot Moshe (Yoreh De'ah 2:56) as saying that listening to (hearing?) Christian music is forbidden (asur). A comment there elaborates: > He states that the restriction is related only to those areas that they use as part of the Christian prayer service. However, he is lenie...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #278960 This challenge prompted me to ask a question on Languages & Linguistics: Not the point of the challenge I know, but I thought you might want to know. :-)
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276681 Post edited:
fixed a while ago, never tagged
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #277839 Post edited:
this got fixed as part of another cleanup of imported posts; just noticed I never tagged it
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #278964 To your second question, isn't there a midrash (that I can't find now) that Eretz Yisrael was exempt from the flood? If so, then the ark wouldn't be able to float to a resting point there.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #278923 @AA import is a little glitchy right now, so while I'd like to get that fixed, the last batch introduced a lot of database weirdnesses that had to be cleaned up so I'd rather not. I'd *rather* bring it over, but in the absence of better import, I'd rather have the answer here than not.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #278923 Interesting! @Dani, please feel free to write an answer here that draws from what you found there (with proper attribution of course).
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #278167 Post edited:
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #278923 Is this a *klaf* for writing a mezuzah? (Inferring from the presence of the name.)
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #278866 @user8078 it depends on how you bind "with Lot" -- does it mean that Avram and Sarai came out of Egypt and Lot joined them as they headed to the Negev, or that Lot was with them all along?
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #278859 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question Where was Lot during the famine?
In Lech L'cha there is a famine so severe that Avram has to leave Canaan and go down to Egypt for food. He leaves Egypt with great wealth, and then in Bereishit 13:1 he continues traveling with Lot. Lot isn't mentioned in the Egypt part of the episode. Did Lot go to Egypt too? If not, how did h...
over 4 years ago