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Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!

Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.

Activity for Monica Cellio‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Edit Post #276364 Post edited:
added info about legality and implementation of imports
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276364 @dfilreis under the terms of the Creative Commons license we can import any questions and answers we like, so long as we attribute and link them. I'll edit the question to explain.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276364 @rosends I don't think we want link-only answers here, so we should either import it or quote and cite it the same way we would for any other source that an answer uses.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276409 I'm not familiar with this practice. Is the first in place of opening the hand at פּותֵחַ אֶת יָדֶךָ, or in addition?
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276362 @Aliza the plan for search is that you search in the current category by default and can check off a "search all categories" box. We don't have that yet. Currently search is global and each result shows which category it's from.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276362 @msh210 categories and post types are orthogonal. We can create a Purim Torah category that supports both Q&A and articles. (The "create post" page has a selector for post type in that case.)
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276392 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question Can a woman blow the shofar during Elul for herself? Can anyone?
Does a woman fulfill the obligation to hear the shofar during Elul if she blows it for herself, or is this one of the mitzvot where a man (must? should?) perform the action on behalf of others? For that matter, can anyone fulfill the obligation by personally blowing, or do you need to hear someone e...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276385 [This answer on the proposal that led to this site]( proposes a broader scope and has strong support. We'll need to work this out on our meta now that we have one.
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276353 Post edited almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276353 Post edited almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276383 This is a question not a proposal, so I interpret upvotes to mean "this is a good question" and not "we should include this in our scope" (and I would not interpret downvotes as "we should not include"). To express opinions on the scope question, please write answers. :-)
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276379 I agree with Isaac. I'm imagining search rewriting the search query to expand children, so if you search on [a] [b] and [b] has children [c] and [d], the actual search would be [a] [b] [c] [d]. When considering adding a tag to the list via hierarchy expansion, if it's already there we stop process...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276375 Post edited:
clarified "interaction" per request in comment
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276379 Oh good point; loops could happen and we'd want to handle or prevent that.
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276379 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: ISO: hierarchical tags
Let's check some functional requirements. :-) I'm envisioning tag hierarchies as an overlay, thus: - All tags would remain in the tag set and could be individually chosen (i.e. both leaf and non-leaf nodes are available as tags on posts). - Tags could be designated as children of other tag...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276371 @Dani hmm, looks like it should have. Did this one ping you?
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276375 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question What are the issues in talking into a mic that was accidentally turned on on Shabbat?
During the COVID pandemic many synagogues have moved activities online, including communal prayer. Some have even done this on Shabbat, and the Conservative movement recently published a responsum permitting this for this specific situation (because of its wide-ranging impact) and on the condition t...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276368 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276373 I asked this on Mi Yodeya and didn't get an answer, though I got a comment that led to a partial answer, which I've added here. I would still welcome a fuller answer.
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276374 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: Does a husband have to maintain his wife's bondwomen?
I previously asked this question on Mi Yodeya and while I didn't get a full answer, I received a hint in a comment and will expand it here. The Rambam in Hilchot Avadim 9:7 writes: > A master may tell his Canaanite slave: "Work for me, but I will not provide you with sustenance," and the slave ...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276373 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question Does a husband have to maintain his wife's bondwomen?
A mishna on Ketubot 59b lists the household tasks a husband may demand of his wife (grinding corn, baking bread, washing his clothes, etc). It then goes on to say that if she brought a bondwoman (into the marriage?) that exempts her from certain of the chores, and if she brings a second then she's e...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276372 Reposting my unanswered question from Mi Yodeya.
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276372 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question How did accidental killers sustain themselves while living in the cities of refuge?
An accidental killer flees to one of the cities of refuge for an indeterminate time (until the death of the kohein gadol, or even longer if the timing is unfortunate). The cities of refuge are cities given to the Levites in place of the land that other tribes get. There's a dispute in Makkot 2:8 ab...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276371 To create the tag for the question I just asked I went to the post where I could use the Hebrew keyboard, constructed the tag name I wanted, and then cut/pasted it into the tags field. That's a little hacky, and it means I didn't get benefit of matching on tag names, so it might lead to tag clutter ...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276369 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question What language(s) should we use for tags?
Here on Codidact tag names can include Hebrew. In the interest of inclusivity I created a bilingual tag for a question I just asked (and asked someone else to do the same). Questions we import from Mi Yodeya will of course come with only English tag names. And not everybody who asks a question is ...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276368 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question What specific action fulfills the commandment to write a sefer torah?
At my synagogue we're currently writing a sefer torah in honor of our retiring rabbi. I know that the 613th mitzvah is to write a sefer torah, and have been taught that participating in the writing of one fulfills the obligation -- we don't each have to write our own complete scroll. I understand...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276366 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question What should our short description and Q&A description say?
On the list of Codidact sites, each community has a short description, such as: > Cooking: > Our community for people interested in cooking and questions about it - methods, processes, recipes, tips, and recommendations. > > Electrical Engineering: > Our community for professionals, hobbyi...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276364 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question What content do we want to import from Mi Yodeya?
We can import questions and answers from Mi Yodeya.[^1] You might have noticed that we imported two already, the ones needed by our "not professional advice" notice. What else to import is up to the community. The earliest Codidact communities (Writing and Outdoors) did bulk imports, excluding o...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276363 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question Welcome to Judaism!
Welcome to the Codidact site for Judaism! We're glad you're here and we're excited to see what you will build. This community is initially starting "from scratch", without importing Q&A from other sites; we can import posts from Mi Yodeya pending the outcome of community discussion here on Meta. P...
almost 5 years ago
Question Shalom Aleichem -- "shuvchem" instead of "tzeitchem"?
I've heard a setting (by Debbie Friedman) of the song "Shalom Aleichem" that, in the last verse, says "shuvchem" instead of "tzeitchem" (recording, mixed group of singers). A rabbi who knew her told me that the change is so, instead of asking the malachim to leave as soon as they show up, we instead...
almost 9 years ago
Answer A: I am not Jewish but would like to visit a MO synagogue to pray occasionally on Shabbat. What is the best course?
I'm not widely traveled, but I've been to a bunch of different synagogues of all the major flavors, often as one-offs, including C and MO, so I'm answering on the basis of that experience. First visit You can just show up. Many of the factors that affect you are the same between Conservative and M...
over 11 years ago
Answer A: Plants before the Sun in the Order of Creation
First, it may not be valid to assume that creation was bound by the laws of science as we now understand them. Why should we assume that the very first plants grew by photosynthesis in the same way that plants do now? Or if we do, why not assume that the primordial light created on the first day wa...
over 11 years ago
Answer A: Is the observance of Jewish law/tradition "all or nothing"?
It's not either/or but "both, and". Judaism has a system of rules, halacha, by which we are to live our lives. Halacha is not negotiable, so that might sound like "all or nothing". Instead, think of it as what you aspire to, even if it's not what you currently do. Halacha calls on you to do all t...
almost 12 years ago
Answer A: Is the observance of Jewish law/tradition "all or nothing"?
It's not either/or but "both, and". Judaism has a system of rules, halacha, by which we are to live our lives. Halacha is not negotiable, so that might sound like "all or nothing". Instead, think of it as what you aspire to, even if it's not what you currently do. Halacha calls on you to do all t...
almost 12 years ago