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Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!

Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.

Activity for Monica Cellio‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Edit Post #276651 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question When (if ever) can you read a non-standard haftarah, and how far afield can it go?
Years ago, in a year when US Independence Day fell on Shabbat, I was away at a kallah, a week-long retreat for people from many communities with study, social activities, and, of course, davening. During the torah service on that Shabbat, the people leading the service said that in honor of "yom tov...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276622 Isaac no, and we really ought to talk about that (I guess on main Meta). Now that you mention it, I'm a little surprised it hasn't come up yet. I think everyone's just winging it. :-)
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276622 This is the flip side of the branding discussion we were having on the proposal when naming the site, yeah. We're not the only site that could use better wording here.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276615 Or set the threshold higher for answers. Some questions collect several answers that are all quality answers (I know I've asked questions that have produced this effect); I'd rather have absolute criteria than grade on a curve where an answer's results depend not on that answer but on what else is t...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276613 That sounds helpful. I would benefit from some extra learning time; we're not all so fluent that we can look at a *luach* and say "ok, got it". :-)
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276613 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question How does one pray Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur alone?
I'm somewhat competent in praying alone on weekdays and Shabbat, with the current pandemic providing a forcing function. I prefer to be part of a community and be able to rely on the sh'liach tzibbur for certain things, but I don't have to. I've always been slow, so I don't mind skipping things tha...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276612 Post edited:
suggested in a comment
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276605 This is an important distinction to make, thank you. As for the help, I only mentioned that because the question raised it; I don't think the help is the right place for either type of content.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276425 I spun off "what to do with votes" as a [separate question]( because of the ambiguity of voting as expressed in @msh210's comment.
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276612 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question Should imported posts retain their original votes?
It seems likely that we will import at least some content from Mi Yodeya. There's a separate question for that; in this question I want to focus on a suggestion brought up in an answer there: keep the original votes for the imported posts instead of resetting to zero. I'm separating this out becaus...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276607 Oh, thank you! I hadn't seen how the mighty warriors might be a special group, but comparing with the census makes sense.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276450 Apparently our site has to be added to an allow list there before links show up. (Makes sense; they wouldn't want to provide links to trolls, bigots, and spammers.) I've asked somebody who can ask somebody.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276580 Interesting. I tried to research an answer to this question and this [page at halachipedia]( covers leather (no) and synthetics whether woven or not (dispute), but doesn't cover *natural* fiber (or wool specifically) but not ...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276597 And the torah gives us laws of *avadim*, including those with debts to pay off, with no indication that those laws are only for later. (This is a weak argument not worthy of an answer by itself, but might be something you want to add in?)
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276598 Post edited:
Sefaria's spelling
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276598 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question Who protected the women and children of Reuven, Gad, and 1/2 Menashe during the conquest?
The conquest of the land described in the book of Yehoshua took seven years (Arakhin 13a).[^1] It is only at the end of the conquest that Yehoshua dismisses the "shock troops". We know from Yehoshua 1:14 that "all the mighty men of valor" from the tribes of Reuven, Gad, and 1/2 of Menashe led the ...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276596 Post edited:
changed spelling to trigger Sefaria linker
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276591 When citing sources please do it in an appropriate fashion, yes. Another part of the question is whether (and if so when) we require people to source answers.
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276532 Post edited:
slightly earlier date suggested in comment, so we have time to discuss rule changes
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276533 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Answer A: Categories - Divrei Torah, Purim Torah
Divrei Torah One of the things I've picked up in my time with various online communities is that giving people multiple modes of engagement strengthens community connections. It's why SE chat helps communities connect even though SE treats chat as "other space" that isn't well-integrated. It's w...
over 4 years ago
Edit Post #276532 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Answer A: Categories - Divrei Torah, Purim Torah
Defer Purim Torah This community is just getting started, its scope boundaries are not entirely set, and people are still gathering. Opinions on Purim Torah are mixed, but I don't think we need to decide now. If we have Purim Torah, we should kick it off in season, even if we decide to allow it ...
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276450 I haven't read the code, but since it's JS on our side, I imagine that when the script is invoked -- i.e. when somebody views a page with a link -- they could update references at their end. It's not immediate, apparently; the link from this question doesn't show us yet.
over 4 years ago
Comment Post #276377 Wow, thanks! That was much faster than I expected.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276446 Oh, interesting! Since the starter is much smaller than the dough for even a single loaf, it wouldn't have occurred to me that it, too, might require taking *challah*.
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276444 Post edited:
This is an issue for a particular type of bread, which I meant to call out in the title.
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276444 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Question For taking challah, (how) do you account for the flour in sourdough starter?
I understand that one should take challah when baking bread made with at least 10 cups of flour. (That article says 14 for saying the b'racha but down to 10 for taking at all.) How does this requirement interact with sourdough starter? A sourdough starter is a fermented mixture of flour and wate...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276424 @AA understood. I just wanted to clarify what we *intended* for categories, for context. That doesn't limit how communities use them, of course.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276424 We envisioned categories (for Q&A) for where the scope and/or expectations of posts are different somehow. Meta isn't about the topic of the site but about the site itself; that's a scope difference. On [Scientific Speculation]( Rigorous Science category, ...
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276440 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: What is the purpose of comments?
Comments are meant for requesting more information or clarification, pointing out issues to be addressed in an edit, and other things that lead to improving the post they're attached to. As we've seen on pretty much any web site that enables comments, though, what designers intend and what users act...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276422 @msh210 that's a good point. Would you be willing to write up a feature request on [Meta]( for better tracking (and increased visibility)? Thanks.
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276429 Post edited:
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276429 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: What types of pages are available?
Currently there are two top-level post types, Question and Article. Questions can have answers; articles cannot. Questions, articles, and answers all accept comments and can be voted on. You can see examples of articles on Cooking's Recipes category and on the Meta Blog. No live site is doing...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276425 This makes a lot of sense to me, now that you've explained it like that.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276385 @DonielF possible, though I worry about crossovers. On MY I once asked a question (and was shouted down until I deleted it) that I *thought* was general and turned out to be specific to Conservative. Another time I asked a question based on Conservative experience and found out everyone does that. ...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276364 @AA double voting might be more of a nuisance, but I think the other issue I raised there is more important. It feels a little odd for votes from *outside* the current community to overwhelm ones from *within* it. (This was a problem on SE with migrations, too.) We do preserve the imported votes i...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276407 I'd say go ahead and ship that and if the community comes up with a revised version, we can add it in. (Heck, I'll even do it if you like to save you the extra work. :-) )
almost 5 years ago
Edit Post #276422 Initial revision almost 5 years ago
Answer A: Dictionary/Encyclopedia of Terms
A wiki with a dictionary of terms sounds like a great idea. Here are some thoughts on how we could implement it. It partly depends on being able to use in-page anchors (so you could link to a specific part of a page); that appears to be possible if one uses HTML for those links (and anchors) instea...
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276364 @DonielF Jin's beautiful logo is owned by Stack Exchange. The status of tag wikis is unclear to me. We can definitely import questions and answers (from main and meta), and people can copy their own work without anybody's special permission.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276412 I would like to bring my existing non-bad content too. I re-asked a couple questions that were unanswered there, just to test the waters here a bit, but I wouldn't want to do a lot of that. And that only covers a small portion of my questions and none of my answers.
almost 5 years ago
Comment Post #276364 @IsaacMoses we're using CommonMark, one of the many dialects of Markdown. We have some [formatting help](
almost 5 years ago