Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!
Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.
I absolutely cannot speak to the legalities, but it might be interesting what came up when I Googled "largest eruv". https://jewishjournal.com/community/6241/
First of all, this is specifically a part of the Misheberach that is recited by the Gabbai the first time the father gets an Aliyah after the birth of a son, at least if that is before the 8th day....
Reading Bereshit I ask for the precise measure of a year using seven days and it does not work mathematically. How do you make it work as Hashem is perfect?
What is hateful to you, do not do to others. That is the whole Torah. The rest is the explanation. Go learn! ~ Rabbi Hillel I would like to know the ouisa (essence) of Judaism (the oldest of t...
I'm having trouble putting this question into words so hear me out, while I struggle: What is cooking halachically? I don't mean "at what temperature does cooking happen?" but more like "what is ...
Why are we here? To study Torah, for some sufficiently expansive definition of Torah. ("This, too, is Torah.") What do many of us do before studying Torah? Say a blessing: לעסוק בדברי התורה (... ...
I really don't like the vote count representation. Positive count, negative count AND a bar? That feels messy to me. If we want to differ a post with zero votes, and a post with 10 upvotes and 10 d...
I miss the post view counter. I really loved to see how much impact a question or an answer has.
People should be allowed to post questions in Hebrew if they want. How that affects how many potential answerers engage with their question is just a consequence of that choice. A great question is...
Questions about Judaism written in Hebrew could potentially find a home in a Hebrew category as described at https://judaism.codidact.com/questions/276362#answer-276423 Roughly half of Jews speak H...
What is the Midrash called “K’bod Huppah” in Torah Shleimah English version? Has anyone heard of it?
When the English translation of Torah Shleimah references “Hakobes,” to what author or work is it referring to?
It depends on the "type" of Judaism: For Karaite Jews it is the Tanakh (תנ"ך) which includes the (masoretic-version) of the Torah. For Rabbanite Jews it is not just one book but practical...
Since this is a mashal, then it is not to be taken literally. The mashal of water and the nimshal of Torah is what is important. Just as originally before the Jews received the Torah they lived as ...
There's also the option of not mass importing at all. Yes it's tempting to want to bring stuff over from Mi Yodeya since many of us are transplants from there. But we are also building something ne...
Originally I was going to propose a name reflecting the Q&A nature of the site, something like Sho’el U’Meishiv, or Hiskalti (ref. Avos 4:1). But then I realized that Codidact isn’t about excha...
Another suggestion, in line with all the others emphasizing the "learning together" value: Haskeis, referencing Berachos 63b.12.
On sidra vayero Why didnt avrohom himself give the water. What is the difference if hashem himself gives it or his servan in the desert Why should we save a bad city because they have 50 righteo...
At the end of Ki Setze we talk about Amolek. The next sidra, Ki Savo, starts off about Bikkurim. In chumash everything has to have a connection. So what is the connection between them?
Incorrect. It is indeed a complete unabridged translation of the entire sefer, at least according to its anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denier translator, whose assertion obviously must be taken with a ...
The English translation of Sefer Yuchsin by Israel Shamir, the Holocaust denier and anti-Semite, is that a complete unabridged translation of the entire Hebrew sefer by Zacuto?
Did Rabbi Avigdor Miller ever mention Azariah de Rossi or his sefer "Me'or Eynayim"? If so, what did he say about him or his sefer?
Jewish Learning = People of the book Book = Scroll Scroll = Like ArtScroll, also a Jewish Learning platform Internet age + [art]Scroll = iScroll iScroll = Also like I scroll on the website iScroll ...