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Actually, the bigger issue is Tefillin. But first of all, while there is a standard practice to wear a Tallis Kattan (a smaller 4-cornered garment with Tzitzis, typically worn underneath a regular...
I have read that men wear a tallit gadol at Shacharit because of a connection to Avraham (the mitzvah was given in his merit and Shacharit is 'his' prayer). Why then are men instructed to wear it a...
Halachipedia says it is not necessary to learn the material in order: What Learning Entitles One To Make a Siyum If one learned an entire Maasechet except for one paragraph, it’s sufficient f...
The Gemara in Ketubot 54b.10-55a.2 gives a list of 14 practical differences.1 Are there any other places in Shas that list more than 14 practical differences? The context/background has nothing ...
Original source is Chasam Sofer Al HaTorah (distinct from Toras Moshe), on page 86 of the volume on Vayikra. This post here contains the original page and discusses the comment further, including w...
In the original printing of Sdei Chemed (about 18 volumes, some posthumous) there was a kuntrus adjoined at the end of the fifth volume (I saw this on the oztar hachochma). This kuntrus entitled ב...
That's bizarre. The question was imported and then deleted by System. I don't know why, so I've undeleted it and confirmed its visibility in an incognito window (i.e. while not signed in). Update...
I recently heard that the Chasam Sofer wrote, that the year 5780 would be a very bad year, but the year 5781 would be a very good year. Does anyone know if this is true or where he wrote this?
As you said, the word "Elohim" and "Adonai", even if written in Hebrew, can have secular status. רש"י בראשית יח פסוק ג ויאמר אדני אם נא וגו' - לגדול שבהם אמר וקראם כולם אדונים ... הוא יעמדו חבריו ...
There is a somewhat famous minhag for a child to fast the three fasts preceding His/Her Bar/Bas Mitzvah. Is there any halachic source for doing this, or is it an unnecessary adopted custom?
When asked about the danger of eating fish and meat together, I heard in the name of Rav Tzvi Berkowitz that it may be similar to a smoking one cigarette where each one is technically dangerous in ...
The Mishna, in Ta'anit 4:1-4, describes an institution called ma'amadot: Just as the Kohens and Levites were divided into 24 clans, which each handled the Temple service for two non-holiday weeks o...
If a street has 600,000 people travelling on it during the week, but on weekends it does not since people aren't working, is it considered a Reshus Harabbim? Do we say that just because there are 6...
Women are exempt from kriat shema, as it is a positive time bound commandment; however, it is proper for them to read the first verse in order to accept God's kingship daily (Shulchan Aruch 70:1). ...
This article - from Issues in Practical Halacha Issue Number 18 --- Lag B'Omer 5755 Compiled and Published by Kollel Menachem - Lubavitch (Melbourne, Australia) - Women's Obligations in Tefillah a...
Both answers you received are correct. Judaism is a religion of laws and the goal is for each person to follow the rules completely. But that "completely" is changeable. It is well established that...
It's not either/or but "both, and". Judaism has a system of rules, halacha, by which we are to live our lives. Halacha is not negotiable, so that might sound like "all or nothing". Instead, thin...
Judaism is indeed a religion with a large number of rules, but it is certainly not "all or nothing." On one hand, the mitzvot are not considered to be simply guidelines. They are strict rules that...
Don't forget that Kohelet said "For there isn't a righteous person on earth who does only good and never sins". Do as much as you can and always strive to do better. If not being able to keep Shabb...
Regarding driving to Shul on Shabbos: Do it. Every time. Not only are you not required to keep Shabbos, because you are not Jewish, but you are also forbidden to keep Shabbos, for the same reason....
Judaism is not a religion although it has religious beliefs and practices. Judaism is both being part of an ethnic tribe (your Jewish if your mother is) as well as a complete way of life (actions d...
R' Ovadia Yosef in Yabia Omer 6, Y.D. 14, was asked by a religious girls school if it was better to enforce a dresscode which prohibited short skirts or pants, as the school had determined they wou...
EDIT: Having now read a sefer on this topic, I would edit my answer a bit--mostly just to say "It's complicated," but also to solidify these points: Technically, halacha follows the Ramban tha...
The Tanakh does not hold anyone to a perfect keeping of the law, but it does require repentance when sin is committed. Once the sin is understood, once the sin is understood, is punished. Repenta...