Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!
Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.
I've heard a setting (by Debbie Friedman) of the song "Shalom Aleichem" that, in the last verse, says "shuvchem" instead of "tzeitchem" (recording, mixed group of singers). A rabbi who knew her to...
I recently tried enunciating the letter ×¢ more while davening. This makes you go slower, at least until you get so used to it. Then, once you're going slower and paying more attention to the words...
Both answers you received are correct. Judaism is a religion of laws and the goal is for each person to follow the rules completely. But that "completely" is changeable. It is well established that...
It's not either/or but "both, and". Judaism has a system of rules, halacha, by which we are to live our lives. Halacha is not negotiable, so that might sound like "all or nothing". Instead, thin...
Judaism is indeed a religion with a large number of rules, but it is certainly not "all or nothing." On one hand, the mitzvot are not considered to be simply guidelines. They are strict rules that...
Don't forget that Kohelet said "For there isn't a righteous person on earth who does only good and never sins". Do as much as you can and always strive to do better. If not being able to keep Shabb...
Here is the hisvaadus that presents this idea (in seif yud). Found by googling so I can't provide any additional information. ובזה גופא — קוראים פ׳ שמיני שמונה פעמים. וכמדובר פעם הפתגם בזה מח...
First, it may not be valid to assume that creation was bound by the laws of science as we now understand them. Why should we assume that the very first plants grew by photosynthesis in the same wa...
Sometimes, (when I'm feeling particularly not into it,) I pause before I begin every beracha of amida and ask myself: Do I want to say this beracha? Why do I want to say this beracha? Helps me ...
Judaism is not a religion although it has religious beliefs and practices. Judaism is both being part of an ethnic tribe (your Jewish if your mother is) as well as a complete way of life (actions d...
One piece of advice that has helped me and more than one person that I know is to think about the meaning of the words before saying them. Generally, people intuitively gravitate towards thinking a...
I read the following piece of advice in a pamphlet somewhere, and I tried it and it worked for me. Concentrate on the meaning of Hashem's name whenever it comes up. You can pick whichever meaning...
This article - from Issues in Practical Halacha Issue Number 18 --- Lag B'Omer 5755 Compiled and Published by Kollel Menachem - Lubavitch (Melbourne, Australia) - Women's Obligations in Tefillah a...
Learn about the greatness of G-d. study in depth shaar yichud of chovos halevavos, shaar yichud v'emuna in tanya and moreh nevuchim. Also study the marks of divine wisdom in nature. the more you w...
Women are exempt from kriat shema, as it is a positive time bound commandment; however, it is proper for them to read the first verse in order to accept God's kingship daily (Shulchan Aruch 70:1). ...
I've tried many of the above answers. Each has worked.. for at least the first day. What works best for me is the simplest. Simply change your routine! The best is to use a new siddur that you're u...
i heard from Rabbi Aharon Feldman to put your finger every time you see a shem Hashem ahead he said at least it will save you from saying many shemos without kavana. some have suggested similar a...
Following up on this question about the use of the words "menora" or "chanukiya" to refer to Chanuka lights: I find it interesting that the use of "chanukiya," popularized in 1897 through a secula...
I was paring a Hebrew word and left with a biconsonantal But on the answer key it had three Hebrew letters intead of two Hebrew letters. A III he, was added to the end of the biconsonantal. What am...
In biblical/temple times, would it have been wrong to vounteer to do something which will make one tameii if the motivation is to avoid a different obligation? If I don't want to spend time with m...
I’m abandoning the Christian New Testament and beliefs and want to follow Hashem. May I participate with you and learn how to be in the eternal Presence of the Most High?
On the sabbath before the new month, we announce the upcoming new moon and on those days, we also do NOT say Av Harachamim (except during sefirah when the history of persecution is particularly rel...
There are certain things that we do because we have been commanded to, and the bracha on these mitzvot includes the phrase "asher kidishanu" indicating that Hashem commanded us to perform these mit...
I noticed that Pesach goes from being a holiday marked by עני to one, a month later, called שני, moving from ayin (eye) to shein (tooth). Yeah, I know that the words don't actually mean that (pover...
At what point did a sefer torah start to look like the sefer torah that we know? When Moshe wrote the torah, did he do so as a sofer, requiring kavanot and immersion and sirtutim and a particular ...