Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!
Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.
Currently, I don't see that keyboard shortcuts would work in the text editing window. I suppose the usual ones would be particularly useful: Ctrl-I for italics Ctrl-B for bold Ctrl-K for hyper...
I edited the FAQ page to refer to this site/community as "Judaism.Codidact" rather than "Judaism."
If the same question is already on Mi Yodeya and it hasn't for whatever reason been imported yet, you should request it be imported. This may take a day or two to process for now but it helps keep ...
Based on the gemara, the Shulḥan Aruch states (YD 344:16): אין אומרים בפני המת אלא דברים של מת כגון צרכי קבורתו והספד אבל שאר כל דבר אסור והני מילי בדברי תורה אבל במילי דעלמא לית לן בה Before a de...
Last activity tracks changes to (or creation of) posts -- asking a question, adding an answer, editing, or deleting. I'm not sure about closing and reopening questions, which are also events affec...
How about: Codida'at Combination of Codidact and da'at (knowledge/wisdom/however you want to translate it).
When discussing the period of mourning leading up to Tisha B'av, the Mishnah (Taanit 4:7) only discusses the "week in which Tisha B'av falls." This is codified even as recently as the Shulchan Aruc...
Frequently attributed (e.g. by Aish and Chabad) to R. M'nachem Mendl of Kock is: If I am I because I am I, and you are you because you are you, then I am I and you are you. But if I am I because y...
In my view search efficiency was a serious issue on MY. We have discussed there the different ways to improve it, and I suggested search synonyms, because there are way too many Hebrew transliterat...
I've heard (but don't remember where) that the music that is prohibited during the three weeks is one or both of: music with instruments, recorded music. I've heard conflicting things about a cape...
Malbim on Beresheet 6:4 writes: "הנפלים. עתה יפרש מ"ש ויראו בני האלהים את בנות האדם, מי היו בני האלהים, הם אלה שאמרו שהם בני אלהים ונפלו משמים, והגדות כאלה היו בימים האלה וגם אחרי כן. כי נודע שבכל...
I miss the tooltip that auto-competes user's name after @ when commenting.
I ask for the sake of discussion, and by no means a practical advice What would be the halactic viewpoint of natural organic reduction as a burial solution? from the site's FAQ: Natural organic re...
Should we allow users to write questions in non-English languages? Should we allow users to write questions in specifically Hebrew or other Jewish languages like Judeo-Aramaic, Yiddish, and Ladino...
A slightly different take on AA's idea to use the Categories feature: Maintain two categories of Q&A with the same scope and rules, but with the language of discourse in one (Q&A) being Eng...
What was life like for Jews in [region] during [time period/historical event]? These should be on-topic so long as Judaism is a core part of the question. Some examples: Were Jews living in al...
The linked verse is about Jeremiah's criticism of Jehoiakim for not paying the construction workers who built his palace. He tricked them out of labor for his own unfair gain. The fox has a reputat...
suppose that a new chazzan like me were to come to your regular minyan to daven: what would you like such a chazzan to know? What general advice would you give to such a chazzan? Meta-advice: par...
Nusach and Minhagim This may seem trivially obvious - basically pick from Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Nusach Sephard, Chabad, and a few others. But you may find a Shul that has more than one (mine has Ash...
I have frequently heard people wish a newborn baby boy that he "merit an on-time circumcision". Now, in general, an on-time circumcision is performed if the baby is healthy enough, and is not perf...
1 and 2: It's a Sefer Chasidim quoted by R Eiger on the page: גליון הש"ס מסכת כתובות דף קג עמוד א שם כל בי שמשי הוה אתי לביתיה. והיה נראה בבגדי חמודות שהיה לובש בשבת ופוטר את רבים בקידוש היום ולא...
While I am not Rabbi David Lau, and I can't speak exactly to the sources that he used to come to this conclusion, we do have some precedence for the halacha (Jewish law) being established according...
Din Online, one of the many "ask a rabbi" services online, wrote in an answer that usage of this phrase is custom but there's no law that formalizes it. They add that it is usually used for someon...
It is not that binary questions were required but that the answers could very easily be misunderstood. For example, the question that Eli asked about Chana (Shmuels mother) is a example. The answer...
This is a possible duplicate, I thought I had posted it but I'm not seeing it. I saw a touching opinion about the meaning of the phrase at https://www.quora.com/What-does-the-phrase-May-his-memory...