Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!
Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.
I was talking with a US rabbi from a liberal movement who left a congregation after 30 years. He told me that he needed to disengage from his now-former congregants, out of deference to the new ra...
The Hebrew Academy often discusses the origins of various words in its articles. The article on parashat Dvarim says the following: כמו המילה לַיְלָה, גם המילה יוֹמָם נגזרה בהוספת סיומת לשם עצם: י...
Due to the pandemic, on Rosh Hashana1 some congregations will be blowing the shofar outdoors to mitigate the health risks. In an urban area, this means someone could stay safely far away and yet s...
Related to this question. Someone told me today that the nascent Sanhedrin, at one point, held a trial for Achamadenijad for crimes against Israel. Is the Sanhedrin ever meant to serve as a kind of...
Sefer Yeshaya, the Book of Isaiah. Thematically relevant due to its being the source of the upcoming seven weeks' haftaros.
Allow them, but require clinical (or at least euphemistic) language. Allow them: These topics are as important as any others in halacha and rabbinic tradition, and anyway people will naturally enco...
We do not expound...upon Creation in a group of two, nor upon the 'Matter of the Divine Chariot' even to an individual, unless he is wise and can intuit on his own. Whoever delves into four topics...
According to the help center, to ask a "great question," you should "Do some research...In addition to just making sure your question hasn't been asked already here on Codidact, take a few moments ...
The Aleph Beis, the Hebrew alphabet. This'd include questions about their formation, halachos of writing them (ex. in a Sefer Torah), or various Gemaras which discuss them (ex. Shabbos 31a or Shabb...
I’ve been looking around to see if there are any major differences between Mi Yodeya and Judaism Codidact. So far, it seems like the two sites are pretty much (in fact almost exactly) the same. Did...
A dead body causes the room in which he lies to become ritually impure (Numbers 19:14). Additionally, Kohanim are forbidden to become ritually impure from those who are not immediate relatives (Lev...
Rabbi Yehuda Spitz discusses the matter in the Yated Ne'eman and summarizes the three main approaches. The Shulchan Aruch Oruch Chaim 551:10 states that the person making havdallah should drink the...
I don't have a particularly favorite parsha, but there are a few sections I like especially: """World-building""" (for lack of a better term at the moment, hence the triple quotation marks...) sect...
Mishna B'rura 128:22 says that if no Levi is around to wash a kohen's hands for the latter's blessing, a firstborn-to-his-mother should do so. Although Kaf Hachayim :40 notes that he hasn't seen th...
Starting with what I think I understand, my doubtless oversimplified picture of the world was that processes set in motion before the Sabbath could be allowed to continue. For example, I thought it...
In Vayikra chapter 20 the torah gives a long list of forbidden relations. Almost all of them are of the form "if a man (lies with, takes)..." or, in one case, "if a woman..." (third person). In V...
The Bracha on salt, as listed in Mishneh Torah, Blessings 8:8 is Shehakol. I have found confirmation in modern generally accepted Halachic sources. According to Mishneh Torah, Blessings 8:7 spices...
I have linked my Codidact account to my Stack Exchange account. This account has a Mi Yodeya account. Maybe I misunderstand what the feature is supposed to do, but when I click on "Claim content"...
Consider a cabin that has one large room with a loft extending over part of that room. A half-height wall at the front of the loft separates it from the rest of the cabin, so there is a single com...
I take it you want good copy/paste text of the portion with niqqud and ta'amim? If I've got that right ;) then I could suggest tanach.us - for example, follow this link for Ki Tavo. (Sometimes I ha...
Do food service products made from non-kosher sources create a kashrut problem when they are used with food (or even without)? There are spoons made from mother of pearl (from mollusk shells), use...
When we say Ulichaporas Pasha in musaf on a rosh chodesh that is a leap year, is that supposed to be read/understood as a continuation of the previous request or as a new request? אֱ-לֹהֵינוּ וֵ...
Bottom line question is why is a Sukkah different from a Matzah in terms of (not) requiring (expressed) kavannah in its creation? A Sukkah (according to the ruling of Beit Hillel on Mas Sukkah 9a)...
I noticed that on Shabbos, the gabbai at shul makes the mishebeirach for cholim between the 6th and 7th aliyot. I have seen this at other shuls (though I don't know if it is a codified rule or a st...