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Posts by msh210
One thing sorely missing from Mi Yodeya is a tag hierarchy. For example, having the Book-of-Judges tag be a sub-tag of the Books-of-the-Prophets tag, so that keyword searches among the latter will ...
Monica Cellio wrote in a comment: @msh210 categories and post types are orthogonal. We can create a Purim Torah category that supports both Q&A and articles. (The "create post" page has a sele...
The Purim Torah category is scheduled to disappear at the end of Adar. All its posts will disappear also: not even their respective authors will be able to see them. (Moderators will.) I recommend...
Rabbi Tz'vi Elimelech Spira of Dynów wrote a book called "בני יששכר" that is popular enough that he himself is sometimes called the "בני יששכר". But the phrase (whether referring to the book or to ...
Sh'miras Shabas K'hilchasah (5739 edition) 26:25 says it is not muktze and can be moved.
Suppose someone started reading a haftara for a different week, or according to a different custom for the same week, or a piece of navi that's not a haftara at all. What should the community do? ...
From my experience with Chabad, I strongly suspect what you heard is /ej/ as in "fate" or "way", perhaps pronounced quickly so it came out sounding like a segol. /ej/ is the traditional Russian and...
Chaye Adam 138:5 writes: וראוי לכל אדם לטבול במקוה או בנהר ולא יקדים לטבול עד שעה קודם חצות היום In my own translation: It's seemly for every man to immerse in a ritualarium or a river [on the d...
Normally in my experience, a baby girl is named in the presence of a minyan, generally at a Torah reading. If her parents are not expecting to be with a minyan for the foreseeable future, should th...
I think Ta Shema has a few things going for it: It's a very common phrase in the Babylonian Talmud so will be easy for anyone who's studied Talmud to remember. In the Talmud, it's used to introduc...
At the very least, 5. Questions about individuals who happen to be Jewish (Isaac Asimov, Sandy Koufax, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Disraeli). without more going for them should be off-topic. They ...
The Shoel Umeshiv was asked the question even stronger: according to Rashi (Suka there), the concern is that he'll take it to an expert to learn "its shaking process or the benediction" to recite; ...
A bunch of posts in the Divrei Torah category are tagged "dvar-torah". Taggedness with this tag is wholly duplicative of category membership, so I recommend detagging (perhaps it would be easier se...
I bought a package of frozen salmon filet pieces in Israel; they'd been imported from Poland. The package reads, in part: מטעמי הכשרות חובה לשטוף את העור או להסירו לפני השימוש. In my own tra...
Toward the end of ברכת המזון (the prayer after a bread meal), we include a litany of short prayers that start "הרחמן" ("May the merciful one do such-and-such"). In the Ashkenazic version, one of th...
Haamek Davar (to 4:1) answers that the wording by Cain implies that even without being named, it was obvious that that should be his name… because when a person devotes himself to his subsistence ...
Onkelus to Genesis 36:15 says it means "great one". Rashi there says more specifically that it means "head of a family"; Sifse Chachamim clarifies that this is the leader or ruler but not necessari...
In Vayetze, Genesis 30:25–43, Jacob and Laban come to and execute a strange agreement: Jacob agrees to tend Laban's sheep under a payment scheme as follows: First (as explained by Rashi to verse...
Although I can't seem to find it now, I recall a rule that says that no one under the age of twenty can sell real property that he's inherited. Why? Because people under the age of twenty are not t...
There were rishonim who held that things other than bread suffice, and they're cited in Shulchan Aruch (291:5, q.v.), who says that "the ruling is really like the first view that he must eat bread ...
The Rama (to OC 425:1) cites both customs: the usual rosh chodesh reading, and the usual weekly ("punishment") reading. He says "in a place with no established practice" read the rosh chodesh read...
Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat 241:1, in my own, free translation: If someone gives a gift… the recipient acquires it only by one of the standard ways of acquiring property.… But by a verbal ag...
I commonly see "החג" (or "חג"), literally "the holiday", explained as referring to the holiday of Sukos. I wonder whether it's correct or whether, as I suspect, it refers to the combined celebrati...