Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!
Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.
We can't learn from Mordechai not bowing to Haman, as that was a special case. Our Sages were bothered that it is permissible to bow to a human, so why didn't Mordechai bow? Indeed, we see that Yaa...
Normally in my experience, a baby girl is named in the presence of a minyan, generally at a Torah reading. If her parents are not expecting to be with a minyan for the foreseeable future, should th...
From my experience with Chabad, I strongly suspect what you heard is /ej/ as in "fate" or "way", perhaps pronounced quickly so it came out sounding like a segol. /ej/ is the traditional Russian and...
The theme of the "Adama mei-arer" Hoshana-prayer that we say on Hoshana Rabba appears to be asking God to protect our agriculture. With one possible exception, every element appears to be about the...
I don't see why we would throw out the old vote counts. If a few people gain a few extra points on a one time basis, that's not such a big deal. The advantage gained by having good signal about pos...
I think Ta Shema has a few things going for it: It's a very common phrase in the Babylonian Talmud so will be easy for anyone who's studied Talmud to remember. In the Talmud, it's used to introduc...
We can import questions and answers from Mi Yodeya.1 You might have noticed that we imported two already, the ones needed by our "not professional advice" notice. What else to import is up to the...
As an outsider, I would really suggest to have English tags be the primary, or at the very least available and discoverable. Whether it's better to solve that by having bilingual tag names, or by h...
If there is someone who does not yet own a Tallis (prayer shawl), and he is davening for the amud (so he wears a shul tallis), when he gets to the places in davening where you are supposed to kiss ...
Does a woman fulfill the obligation to hear the shofar during Elul if she blows it for herself, or is this one of the mitzvot where a man (must? should?) perform the action on behalf of others? Fo...
As you've noted, this is a serious problem only if the rotzeiach's income was limited to some geographical location - like that of a farmer, or someone that depended on local word-of-mouth. And un...
A wiki with a dictionary of terms sounds like a great idea. Here are some thoughts on how we could implement it. It partly depends on being able to use in-page anchors (so you could link to a spe...
Perhaps, to hew close to the "Codidact" brand, we could consider: CoTalmid That is, Latin for "together" plus Hebrew for "student." I thought about "CoMelamed" ("together" plus "teacher"), but that...
Once upon a time, I was on a trip up in north Georgia and stumbled across this gem: a security service branding itself as "Adonai Security, LLC." The tagline proceeds to make a pun in the same vei...
The Baal Shem Tov writes: וביום הכיפורים לית ליה רשות לאסטוני (יומא ד"כ ע"א), על כן בא השטן בכל כחו לקטרג על כל אדם On the day of Yom Kippur, [the Satan] has no permission to prosecute, therefore ...
Generally speaking, whenever the Torah tells us "do not do X," the context is "do not do a specific action" (don't eat non-Kosher, don't do work on Shabbos, etc.). In a select few prohibitions, how...
I learned what I understand to be a S'fardi or maybe Israeli pronunciation of Hebrew. I'm aware of the differences between this and the usual Ashkenazi pronunciation. My question is about variati...
Summary of Proposals The consensus seems to be strongly in favor of pursuing this idea, so long as there's strong quality control in place as well. To summarize the idea thus far, and putting some ...
Yoma 87a and Rambam Hilchot Teshuvah 2 both describe requirements for doing teshuva and gaining forgiveness. According to them, the one doing teshuva must first make restitution and then, in front...
Some users here (as opposed to other codidact sites) are more likely to have Hebrew letters in their username. One such user is רבות מחשבות. I recall seeing a post of theirs a few months ago, and ...
The first round of data imports has been done. You can distinguish an imported question from a native one by the Stack Exchange icon next to the tags: I said before that posts could be imported w...
There are candles that are made from beef tallow (https://www.theprairiehomestead.com/2014/01/tallow-emergency-candles.html). If one were to burn one, residue and soot from incomplete combustion co...
As a Noachide wanting to convert to Judaism you are already on a journey. Such journeys are by their nature incremental, so even though your end goal isn't currently available to you, you might be...
Kosher wine must never have been used for anything that he talmud sees as idolatry and the suspicion, dating back to talmudic times, is that an idolater's even slightly moving an open bottle, could...