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Can you make a Siyum if you learn the material in a different order?


Every time I've made a Siyum in the past, it's been after learning all of the material in order. When making a siyum on a Seder of the Mishna, it was after learning every Masechet in order; when making a siyum on Shas Mishnayot, it was after learning every Seder in order.

However, I'm wondering if you can make a Seder if you learn the material in a different order.

As an example, let's say I'm learning Seder Zraim of the Mishna. For some reason, I don't start with Masechet Brachot - I start with Kilaim. Over the next while, I then work through the other Masechtot of Zraim.

Am I able to then make a Siyum on Seder Zraim, e.g. for a Siyum B'chorot on Erev Pesach? Does the answer change if you're discussing Masechtot of the G'mara and not Mishna?

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oftentimes, groups make a siyum after splitting up the learning but don't check on whether each part ... (1 comment)

1 answer


Halachipedia says it is not necessary to learn the material in order:

What Learning Entitles One To Make a Siyum

  1. If one learned an entire Maasechet except for one paragraph, it’s sufficient for a Siyum.
  2. It is not necessary to study the entire masechet in order.
  3. (unrelated point about the Zohar)

Halachipedia cites Yalkut Yosef 470:20 for this point. I don't know that source and couldn't find it in English. Wikipedia says it is a contemporary work that "is written to give practical halachic guidance to Jews of Sephardi and Mizrahi origin".

I have seen several group learning projects leading to a siyum (and have participated in a couple). People signed up for parts to learn and when everyone was done we made the siyum. I've never seen these group projects accompanied by instructions to do our parts one at a time or in a particular order; in fact, the point of making a group project was to allow us to proceed in parallel, targeting a particular date for the siyum. This is only anecdotal evidence, but I offer it as a supplement to the sources I could find.

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