Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!
Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.
Comments on Categories - Divrei Torah, Purim Torah
Categories - Divrei Torah, Purim Torah
One of the key features of Codidact is Categories. There has been some discussion elsewhere, but now that the community is up & running, Meta is the place to talk about this. Two suggestions I know of so far:
- Divrei Torah
I think this should be Post only (i.e., like Q without the A) but allow comments, editing, etc.
- Purim Torah
This should be full Q&A. One key item to decide is whether this should be open for new questions all the time or limited to "close to Purim".
Defer Purim Torah This community is just getting started, its scope boundaries are not entirely set, and people are s …
4y ago
Divrei Torah One of the things I've picked up in my time with various online communities is that giving people multip …
4y ago
I propose a category called Hebrew Language. This could be for anyone studying the language, whether Biblical or Mode …
5y ago
I think Purim Torah should be open all time. As I previously wrote when we planned the build of the site: It's a method …
5y ago
I propose a category called "Sandbox". People can post questions and answers here to practice using mixed Hebrew and …
4y ago
Defer Purim Torah
This community is just getting started, its scope boundaries are not entirely set, and people are still gathering. Opinions on Purim Torah are mixed, but I don't think we need to decide now. If we have Purim Torah, we should kick it off in season, even if we decide to allow it out of season later (in its own category).
I propose that we defer discussion of Purim Torah until 15 Tevet. That will give us time to find our footing here and still allow time to set up PT for 5781 if we want to have it, including time to discuss rules.
I brought it up originally, so I accept the blame for distracting us with it now. Let's focus on other things and come back to this. PT done well, which requires effort, is a lot of fun. It will still be fun in six months.
1 comment thread