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Comments on Were there other haftarah readings before the Tisha b'Av readings were set?


Were there other haftarah readings before the Tisha b'Av readings were set?


After Tisha b'Av we have seven special haftarah readings, which always align with the same torah portions. Every chumash I've seen gives these special readings for those parshiyot.

I was taught that we started reading haftarah during times of oppression when public reading of the Torah was forbidden. I've most commonly heard that this was during the time of Hasmonean rule, which was after the destruction of the first temple and before the destruction of the second. I haven't been able to find when the observance of Tisha b'Av was formalized, though the day is discussed in the mishna.

Was Tisha b'Av already being observed when the rabbis created the haftarah readings, and did they assign these seven readings from the beginning? Or did these parshiyot have other haftarah readings before this practice was formalized? If there were other readings, do we know what they were?

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2 comment threads

I was wondering about this -- the haftarahs were (I thought) chosen to reflect the outlawed Torah rea... (2 comments)
Some history (1 comment)
I was wondering about this -- the haftarahs were (I thought) chosen to reflect the outlawed Torah rea...
rosends‭ wrote about 2 months ago

I was wondering about this -- the haftarahs were (I thought) chosen to reflect the outlawed Torah reading of that Shabbat, so if we have all these that are connected thematically to the time of the year, they would NOT call forth what the Torah reading is for that Shabbat.

Monica Cellio‭ wrote about 2 months ago

Yeah, that's part of what got me wondering -- did we have thematic readings and they were later replaced when the haftarot of consolation were established, or are these the original haftarot and connecting Tisha b'Av to Rosh Hashana was more important than per-week thematic connections? Both seem possible.