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Posts by manassehkatz
This is a test to see if the Sefaria linking works. @ArtOfCode says just make things that look like references. So I suppose Genesis 1:1 should give me the first Pasuk of the Torah. Let's see...
How about a Wiki-style Dictionary or Encyclopedia of Jewish terms? This could either be a Category or maybe part of Community-specific Help. Instead of each reference to a Jewish/Hebrew/Aramaic/etc...
I have seen this a few times. Really quite simple. Just like the Gabbai will, unless he knows everyone, ask "Is there a Cohen?" or "Is there a Levi?" when it comes to Layning, he will do the same, ...
One of the key features of Codidact is Categories. There has been some discussion elsewhere, but now that the community is up & running, Meta is the place to talk about this. Two suggestions I ...
Mishneh Torah, Talmud Torah, 6:14 lists 24 reasons for excommunication. # 20 is: טַבָּח שֶׁלֹּא בָּדַק סַכִּינוֹ לִפְנֵי חָכָם A Shochet who does not have his knife checked by a wise man. (general...
From the battle with Midian alone, Bamidbar 31:35, there were 32,000 captured as slaves. That was only some of the women - they actually captured many more and Moshe commanded them to kill the men ...
The amount that matters varies depending on the particular Zman, the time of year and location on this planet and on your specific concerns. For a simple example, the circumference of the Earth is ...
In my Shul, most Minyanim are kept relatively quiet during Davening when strictly required, which generally means from Baruch Sheamar through the end of the silent Shemoneh Esrei. That is not to sa...
Nusach and Minhagim This may seem trivially obvious - basically pick from Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Nusach Sephard, Chabad, and a few others. But you may find a Shul that has more than one (mine has Ash...
Yaakov didn't come up with the scheme on his own. If he had done so, it would have required relying on a miracle without any expectation of one - he would have been better off working for "normal" ...
I am rather dubious that fear of attacks suddenly stopped after December 25. That day, because of its significance in Christianity, certainly had some impact. But I doubt that it was that much safe...
The Bracha on salt, as listed in Mishneh Torah, Blessings 8:8 is Shehakol. I have found confirmation in modern generally accepted Halachic sources. According to Mishneh Torah, Blessings 8:7 spices...
TL;DR Is Shaimos an issue to be concerned about in posts, and if so, what policy should we set? This question contains (at the moment) a name of God in Hebrew that is considered Shaimos, requiring...
The first statement matches what I have heard this year from numerous sources, both Ashkenazi and Sephardi. I have heard a number of the items below from Rabbi Dovid Rosenbaum of Young Israel Shom...
My understanding is that even an actual Sefer Torah - i.e., full text, written on parchment, etc. - written by an apostate (Jew or non-Jew with the "wrong" intentions) is not Sheimos. This would ce...
Generally speaking, cooking - including Bishul but also Afiah (baking) and other variants - is about "improving food through the application of heat". The key words include: Improving - e.g., if...
My Rabbi approved the following post: https://wp.yise.org/shofar/ which includes some basic Halachos and a short video by Craig Simon. Craig blew all over the neighborhood today (as did others - th...
Official rabbinical guidance from my Shul Young Israel Shomrai Emunah of Greater Washington: One of the most cherished practices in this time of year is the blowing of shofar in shul during the mo...
You should visit Judaism.Codidact if you want _____ To learn more about Judaism, including answers to your current questions and answers to the questions you didn't even know to ask. You should ...
Having tags in English is important not just for non-Jews but also for Jews who don't read Hebrew well (or at all). But having Hebrew most definitely adds a nice flavor to the site. My recommendati...
I am a middle-of-the-road SE user. Not anywhere near the top, never a moderator, etc. But also stuck around long enough with some specific communities to have (I think) some productive and positive...
Davening by yourself is, relatively speaking, the easy part. I am sure there are others who will come up with more specifics, but people have had to do that, at times, for a variety of reasons: il...
Looking from the practical Halacha, Avinu Malkenu is clearly linked to, if not an actual part of, Tachanun. On Taanis Esther, which usually takes place on the day before Purim, Avinu Malkenu is no...
Anecdotally, if people know you're a Baal Koreh, they will often let you - or ask you to - Layn your Aliyah. Many years ago I used to help a Sephardi Minyan (I am 100% Ashkenazi) with anything from...
As I understand it, the Tevilah requirement comes in when: A vessel for use with preparing or eating food is manufactured by a non-Jew A vessel for use with preparing or eating food is owned by...