Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!
Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.
Posts by Aliza
One possible cause of confusion: In Israel, Muslim men do not have compulsory military service (and relatively few volunteer), but Jewish and Druze men do; most Druze men in Israel serve in the mi...
Yes yes for hierarchical categories, here and everywhere. A good hierarchy help structure information; just imagine being able to browse and drill down to more and more specific groups of questions...
Like many Jews, I have been taught that Jews don't bow; many people trace this prohibition to Mordechai not bowing to Haman. This custom can be further traced to Exodus 20:5 - "You shall not bow do...
צא ולמד "Tze u'lemad" -- "come let us learn. Unfortunately, the presence of a non-English consonant is problematic, but may inspire someone else to a better idea.
@manassehkatz's answer got me thinking that (from the small handful of people who have spoken before me) it's clear folks want Judaism to be more inclusive and welcoming than Mi Yodeya, while at th...
Is this site going to be as aggressively Orthodox as Mi Yodeya?
Maybe the "Jews not Judaism" questions should also have their own category, or a separate tag structure (including date ranges and locations) And a clear division between biography ("Where did the ...
I was recently asked what the difference was between the words fleishik and fleishike, and was unable to come up with an answer. If it were just a matter of masculine/feminine case coming over from...
Why are we here? To study Torah, for some sufficiently expansive definition of Torah. ("This, too, is Torah.") What do many of us do before studying Torah? Say a blessing: לעסוק בדברי התורה (... ...
I propose a category called "Sandbox". People can post questions and answers here to practice using mixed Hebrew and English, get used to the bilingual tags, make and check Sefaria links, and engag...
This is one of the places where I see the dictate that "the Rabbi is the arbiter of Jewish law for the local community" kicking in with some vigor -- different Rabbis are taking different approache...