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Questions on sidra [closed]
Closed as too generic by Monica Cellio on Oct 20, 2021 at 00:11
This post contains multiple questions or has many possible indistinguishable correct answers or requires extraordinary long answers.
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On sidra vayero Why didnt avrohom himself give the water. What is the difference if hashem himself gives it or his servan in the desert Why should we save a bad city because they have 50 righteous. Take them out like noach and lot and kill all the others. Where they then supporting the righteous. After the akaido only avrohom went home yitschak went to learn. Midrash Why after the akaida did he have to go to learn. Avrohom said I got to this madrega only because of Torah I want you and your children also to get there.The Ramban says that avrahom and Sarah were punished for going to Egypt and throwing out Hagar. So why did they do it.
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