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Post History
What was life like for Jews in [region] during [time period/historical event]? These should be on-topic so long as Judaism is a core part of the question. Some examples: Were Jews living in al...
#2: Post edited
- > What was life like for Jews in [region] during [time period/historical event]?
- These should be on-topic so long as Judaism is a core part of the question. Some examples:
- - Were Jews living in al-Andalus able to pray publicly and safely? (Was it legal and was it reckless?)
- - How did (some change in plow technology | some change in land allotments) (in some time and place) affect leaving the corners of one's fields for the poor?
- - Did Jews in Europe during the Black Death have access to wine? If not, what did they use for *kiddush* / four cups?
- - During the flu epidemic of 1918-19, what changes were made to (public prayer | burial practices | ...)?
- - In (time and place) did torah scholars also have jobs? What kinds? How prevalent?
- - What formal Jewish education did Jewish girls in (time and place) have access to?
- - In (place and time before R' Gershon's polygamy ban), how often was levirate marriage performed versus *chalitzah*?
- > What was life like for Jews in [region] during [time period/historical event]?
- These should be on-topic so long as Judaism is a core part of the question. Some examples:
- - Were Jews living in al-Andalus able to pray publicly and safely? (Was it legal and was it reckless?)
- - How did (some change in plow technology | some change in land allotments) (in some time and place) affect leaving the corners of one's fields for the poor?
- - Did Jews in Europe during the Black Death have access to wine? If not, what did they use for *kiddush* / four cups?
- - During the flu epidemic of 1918-19, what changes were made to (public prayer | burial practices | ...)?
- - In (time and place) did torah scholars also have jobs? What kinds? How prevalent?
- - What formal Jewish education did Jewish girls in (time and place) have access to?
- - In (place and time before R' Gershon's polygamy ban), how often was levirate marriage performed versus *chalitzah*?
- And here are some negative examples:
- - What did Jews living in al-Andalus eat? (Unless the question goes on to describe some kashrut problem people in that time and place might have faced.)
- - Did (some change in plow technology) (in some time and place) increase Jews' prosperity? (No indication of Judaism-specific concerns.)
- - At what age did girls in (time and place) typically get married? (Doesn't bring a Judaism concern or ask about differences between Jews and others.)
- - What were the most common occupations for Jewish immigrants to the US in (time period)? (Unless the question supports the possibility that it'd be different for Jews than for other immigrants.)
- - (Crossover with "people":) What kinds of wine did Rashi produce? (Doesn't give reasons to believe it's different from what was generally done in the region.)
#1: Initial revision
> What was life like for Jews in [region] during [time period/historical event]? These should be on-topic so long as Judaism is a core part of the question. Some examples: - Were Jews living in al-Andalus able to pray publicly and safely? (Was it legal and was it reckless?) - How did (some change in plow technology | some change in land allotments) (in some time and place) affect leaving the corners of one's fields for the poor? - Did Jews in Europe during the Black Death have access to wine? If not, what did they use for *kiddush* / four cups? - During the flu epidemic of 1918-19, what changes were made to (public prayer | burial practices | ...)? - In (time and place) did torah scholars also have jobs? What kinds? How prevalent? - What formal Jewish education did Jewish girls in (time and place) have access to? - In (place and time before R' Gershon's polygamy ban), how often was levirate marriage performed versus *chalitzah*?