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Post History
Spinning off my comment into a new answer (incorporating input from Isaac and AA): I love Isaac Moses' ideas, especially the reference that he made with "Chaverai," but I think that a word that ref...
#1: Initial revision
Spinning off my [comment](https://judaism.codidact.com/questions/276652#comment-1891) into a new answer (incorporating input from Isaac and AA): I love [Isaac Moses' ideas](https://judaism.codidact.com/a/276652/276656), especially the reference that he made with "Chaverai," **but** I think that a word that refers to a _group_ is better than "my (sing.) friends." Therefore: "**_Chevraya_**" (Aramaic חברייא, literally group of friends/society (compare to "[chevra kadisha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chevra_kadisha)"). It's related to the modern Hebrew "Chevreh" (חבר'ה, group of friends). Close enough in meaning to _Chaburah_ (חבורה = group that learns together), but _Chevraya_ has an advantage because it cannot be confused with the homonym for "bruise." AA recommended we consider avoiding sounds that are not native to English (= ch/ח). Isaac suggested "_Hevraya_" as a replacement in that case, possibly with a dot under the H (= Ḥ) to represent the ח sound.