Welcome to the Judaism community on Codidact!
Will you help us build our community of learners? Drop into our study hall, ask questions, help others with answers to their questions, share a d'var torah if you're so inclined, invite your friends, and join us in building this community together. Not an ask-the-rabbi service, just people at all levels learning together.
Post History
Currently there are two top-level post types, Question and Article. Questions can have answers; articles cannot. Questions, articles, and answers all accept comments and can be voted on. You can ...
#2: Post edited
- Currently there are two top-level post types, Question and Article. Questions can have answers; articles cannot. Questions, articles, and answers all accept comments and can be voted on.
- You can see examples of articles on Cooking's [Recipes](https://cooking.codidact.com/categories/29) category and on the [Meta Blog](https://meta.codidact.com/categories/30).
- No live site is doing this yet, but a category can support more than one type of top-level post -- for now, that means questions and articles. (There might be more post types in the future, which is why I'm writing it this way.) When a category supports more than one type of top-level post, the "create post" page adds a selector for the type of post.
(*Technically*, help topics are also posts, but that's not relevant for setting up categories.)
- Currently there are two top-level post types, Question and Article. Questions can have answers; articles cannot. Questions, articles, and answers all accept comments and can be voted on.
- You can see examples of articles on Cooking's [Recipes](https://cooking.codidact.com/categories/29) category and on the [Meta Blog](https://meta.codidact.com/categories/30).
- No live site is doing this yet, but a category can support more than one type of top-level post -- for now, that means questions and articles. (There might be more post types in the future, which is why I'm writing it this way.) When a category supports more than one type of top-level post, the "create post" page adds a selector for the type of post.
- (*[Technically](https://xkcd.com/1475/)*, help topics are also posts, but that's not relevant for setting up categories.)
#1: Initial revision
Currently there are two top-level post types, Question and Article. Questions can have answers; articles cannot. Questions, articles, and answers all accept comments and can be voted on. You can see examples of articles on Cooking's [Recipes](https://cooking.codidact.com/categories/29) category and on the [Meta Blog](https://meta.codidact.com/categories/30). No live site is doing this yet, but a category can support more than one type of top-level post -- for now, that means questions and articles. (There might be more post types in the future, which is why I'm writing it this way.) When a category supports more than one type of top-level post, the "create post" page adds a selector for the type of post. (*Technically*, help topics are also posts, but that's not relevant for setting up categories.)